Prescot Conclave. No 291. Team Visit
It was with great sadness that I attended Prescot Conclave on Tuesday 4th April 2017. Not because it was the eve of my 60th birthday, but because it was the last Team visit of the season. It has been a pleasure and an honour, to serve the Intendent General, Ill. Kt. Michael Walker and the Division, in the capacity of Divisional Eusebius. I would like to thank you all for making it so very easy for me, to carry out my duties and for being so friendly. Last night was no exception.
The I.G. was incapacitated with ‘Man flu’ and Ill. Kt. Fred Hargreaves. Deputy Intendent General, welcomed and introduced 17 Acting Officers, who attended to see. P.Kt. Martin Snyder enthrone his successor, E. Kt. James Weaver, who went on to deliver an excellent consecration of W. Kt. Gratten Williams as the Conclaves Eusebius. It was a lovely ceremony, which a number of Prescot conclave members missed, being involved in a Masonic Pageant elsewhere.
At the conclusion of the Ceremony, the Deputy Intendent General, was presented with a cheque for £100 towards the Grand Imperial Conclaves Children’s fund. A magnificent sum, for such a small Conclave.
The Festive Board was another happy affair, with Pate, Braised Steak and Manchester Tart, followed by Coffee and Mints, being enjoyed by all. A final surprise, was a special Birthday card presented to me, by the Deputy Intendent General, signed by all the Knights present. It really meant a lot to me. The ambiance of the evening, together with our Christian values, show that this Order is rather special and is to be enjoyed to the full, in Christian unity.
Iain Brown
Div. Eusebius.